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Dog Training: Big Dogs – Small Dogs. Train Your Dog Just the Same

Big dogs – small dogs. . . . .When people get big dogs like Labrador Retrievers or Golden Retrievers the thought process is usually, “This is going to be a very big dog so we’ve got to get this dog trained and under control.” They don’t want to wind up with an out of control monster dog!

When that very same person decides to get a small dog, they don’t seem to see the value in obedience training their small dog. The thought process is, they’re so little – don’t need training.

Being a trainer I always thought that the size of the dog really didn’t matter.

Little Dog Training

Dog Tricks: Teach Your Dog A Trick In A Day

Amaze and Bewilder Your Friends and Family
As Your Family Dogs Performs Trick After Trick

Most dog owners get tired very quickly with doing basic obedience with their dogs. I’ll admit— it can be boring. Yet, training your dog is important.

Instead of thinking of the “cut and dry” obedience. Think TRICKS!
It’s really obedience but in a FUN way.
Here’s a way to find yourself feeling happy, loving, even joyous with your dog as both of you master some fun easy tricks.

If you want to impress friends and family when they’re at your house. —this will do

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Getting a New Puppy- Are you really ready?

With puppy season almost upon us, many, many people are thinking about getting a new puppy.

Some folks have planned it out. They have a specific breed in mind or in many cases just a mutt from the shelter – a rescue dog but planned.

Some get a new puppy for the kids. Sometimes the parents think that it will be good for the kids and in some cases the kids pressure the parents until they give in to the constant nagging of the kids. “Okay, done! Let’s go this weekend and pick one out.

A lady went with her friend to look at puppies at a local shelter and wound up getting one

Getting a new puppy

Barking Dogs: Curse and Cure

Dogs bark to communicate – that’s natural but come on, barking dogs can be a down right nuisance and an embarrassment at the front door and at other times as well – for the owner. Nuisance barking is just hard on everyone.

Curb the barking sooner than later because the longer you wait, sometimes the harder it is to stop. I’ve had a number of dog problems lately where I’ve needed to focus on barking dogs and I wanted to share a technique that I’ve used and got good results with over my dog training years.

You can actually put your dogs on a cue so that when they hear a whistle, they

Barking Dogs

Barking Dogs: Curse and Cure

Dogs bark to communicate – that’s natural but come on, barking dogs can be a down right nuisance and an embarrassment at the front door and at other times as well – for the owner. Nuisance barking is just hard on everyone.

Curb the barking sooner than later because the longer you wait, sometimes the harder it is to stop. I’ve had a number of dog problems lately where I’ve needed to focus on barking dogs and I wanted to share a technique that I’ve used and got good results with over my dog training years.

You can actually put your dogs on a cue so that when they hear a whistle, they

Barking Dogs

Hyper Dog? Get Hip with Hyper

Is your hyper dog out of control, won’t listen, bouncing off the walls, stealing your stuff and playing keep-away and out of control on walks?

Does any of this sound all too familiar? Do you see your dog in these situations?

You’re not in the boat alone my friend.

Many people call me saying, “My dog is hyper! What do I do?”

I’ve had a hyper dog. My very first dog, Charlie (Golden Retriever), was extremely hyper and coincidentally, he was actually the reason I got into dog training 30 years ago! So I know the importance of getting your hyper under control

Hyper Dog

Dog Training: House Soiling in an Adult Dog

Discovering that your older, mature dog is house soiling in your home can be frustrating for many dog owners. After eliminating any medical causes, you must take a look at other reasons for this behavior.

If your dog has become anxious, this can cause house soiling in a mature dog. Let’s look at how this can come about.

Once your dog is six months or older you both begin to develop a certain confidence with each other regarding house training. Or, at least you think so. As your puppy passes the age of 6 months and is feeling confident in his sense of place, you are confident that you’ve

House training an adult dog

Dog Obedience Training- Easy Tips

Obedience training means training your dog to be well behaved – and that means something different to every dog owner and their dog.

Some with big dogs need loose leash walking and no jumping. Others with small dogs may not have a pulling problem but want to solve other issues with their dog like begging at the table.

I like to use positive reinforcement training (food treats). And if you are comfortable, get the hang of using a clicker in your dog training. A clicker is used to click when your dog does what you want. The reasons a clicker works so well is that no matter who

Dog Obedience Training Easy Tips

The Place Command Works on Front Door Barking

Have you ever wished that when the doorbell rings, your dog immediately goes to his place as you answer the door? This translates into so many advantages for you as a dog owner. You’ve probably got your own list but let me list the ones just off the top of my head:

No barking to limited barking
No jumping on our new front door
No running out the front door
No jumping on visitors and,
Trust me there are more than these few I just mentioned

Teaching your dog the Place Command definitely has its advantages.

We began to work with our dog Sammy on the place command last

The Place Command

Dog Halloween Safety Tips: Costumes, Candy and More

Halloween can be lots of fun for kids and even adults. But it’s a holiday that dogs may find genuinely frightening. Dogs will encounter many rowdy costumed children, tempting treats and they may even be forced to wear their own dog Halloween costume.

If you have done work on dog obedience training with your dog, this is a great time to use those commands. Skills like sit, down or place can be particularly helpful.

Nothing is more frustrating or irritating than having your dog charge the door when the doorbell rings. During Halloween, this can also be especially dangerous.


Dog Halloween Safety Tips